Vocabulary Booster

Learn about the added benefits of boosting vocabulary and tips for boosting vocabulary.

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Vocabulary Booster

Vocabulary First Impressions

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Abe Lincoln

Let's face it. We're constantly being judged. The minute we come face to face with another person, or come into a room filled with people, judgments are being made about us at split second speed. (We're also judging others, as well.)

You've heard it said time and time again...You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Impression. Quite a good word to begin our vocabulary booster blog.

Webster's Dictionary defines impression as a noun meaning "a mark or design made on a surface by pressure; an effect or feeling retained in the mind as a result of experience."

I call your attention to "retained in the mind" because the first impression you make is a very difficult one to change. This is great if you make a good first impression, but disastrous if the impression is negative.

It is said that you will have to make 30 good impressions to overcome 1 negative impression. So why not save time and effort by making sure all your first impressions are good ones?

There are several factors that go into making an impression, positive and negative. But by far, one of the most important ways people will size you up is by the way you speak. You will be judged by the vocabulary words you choose to express the ideas and messages you're trying communicate.

When you make it a point to acquire and use good vocabulary you will be surprised by the way the world will begin to open up to you. In the days to come, I will be discussing the countless benefits that come from boosting your vocabulary.

So please stay tuned...

Vocabulary Booster


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